Yesterday I discovered facebook. Yes I admit it. I am just not up with the times...
Anyway, I found my High School and church people, and links to lots of people that I grew up around, and loved. I feel so detached from my roots. The rush of emotions hit me like a train and I have to admit that I am emotional today. I loved my youth and some of the people I loved most are out of my life and I guess that is part of growing. We learn to love and let go.
I found myself wishing and praying to go back to 17.
Lisa, wouldn't that be fun? In our little red Chevette. The beach, Lake Pickett,boys...silly.
Elder Jones
5 days ago
Hey Ker.
Yes that would be fun. What a great time we had. I truely cherish those memories we made together and the friends we had. I like to reminisce and am sad that I haven't kept up so well with our old friends. I love blogging (and Sean just found facebook too! It's awesome!) It's nice to keep up with each other, even if not in person! I think reminiscing helps to keep me grounded and to remember where I came from and who and what made me what I am. Sometimes I forget. (I need to keep a journal again.)
"I remember the feeling of the dew dripping off my eyelashes as we watched the fog roll over the lake and walked home through the thick wetness with our boys! What a time we had!
I love you Ker.
WOW!! That sounds just like it could be in a movie!! Very Romantic and young and fun!!
Hey.....Pear recipe. Medium syrup and the slice of orange on the top. No big secret, but they sure turn out yummy!!My grandma always had the orange on top, so that is how we do them. Come on up and we can do them together. It would be a ball!!
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