His birthday was March 29th. Our tradition is to bring out his cake and sit it in front of him and watch him eat it. The boys thoughtbit was hilarous, he even got some on Blake. He loved the cake and made 'yum' sounds as he ate.
That top pic is the cutest! I can't believe he's one already.... i guess it has been a while but he was JUST born. I love your tradition with the cake.
Keri I always visit your blog too and I always forget to leave you a message. Your boys are so cute too!! It feels like it has been so long since I have seen you. Next time you are down I need to come to Phoenix and visit. I miss you and all the cousins. I wish we could all get together more often.
That top pic is the cutest! I can't believe he's one already.... i guess it has been a while but he was JUST born. I love your tradition with the cake.
Happy Birthday Brody! We love you guys!
Loved the cake face! thanks for poitning out your blog - so fun to see and the links to your siblings are so fun. I love Cyndee's photography :-)
Keri I always visit your blog too and I always forget to leave you a message. Your boys are so cute too!! It feels like it has been so long since I have seen you. Next time you are down I need to come to Phoenix and visit. I miss you and all the cousins. I wish we could all get together more often.
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