Monday, March 17, 2008


How did you meet your spouse?
Justin’s family is from Idaho. Our dads worked as deputies together a long time ago in Idaho Falls. His family came vacationing to Florida. They stayed at our house. Funny thing….. My cousin Nelly was watching Justin teach me a dance move while at her house, she said
“You are going to get married.” Well at the time it was funny. As far from my mind as that comment was at the time…she was right.

Where did you go on your first date?We were trying to figure this out. We don’t remember, but probably a dance. I was attending Rick’s College while we were dating and we had so much fun going to lots of dances.

How long have you been together?2 years of dating …and 10 years of marriage…2+10=12 WOW! Since I’m only 29 that is almost half of my life.

Who eats more?Justin, unless its dessert.

Who said I love you first?Justin Who is taller?Justin
(hopefully our kids will be taller than both of us) On my side of the family Justin and I are in the running for the shortest couple.

Who sings better?Justin has a beautiful soft voice.

Who is smarter?I’m hoping we think the other is the smartest. Haha Justin is a smart guy. We both love to read and talk about current topics. I hope we continue to stay excited about the world around us and what it offers. Actually, I think any of our children are smarter than both of us combined. Do you ever feel that way?

Who does the laundry?Justin and I both wash. Sometimes I go the extra mile and wash the same load twice! I am the winner when it comes to folding and hanging things up.

Who does the dishes?I have the winning corner on dishes too. He does do them by himself sometimes, my hero. All of the boys help rinse and load their dinner plate and silverware (with a little reminder every time) does that ever stop?

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?I do. When we got married I suggested that we don’t have a ‘side’, because that’s boring and I like to switch things up a bit. Wow, aren’t I exciting.

Who pays the bills?I do. We both go over that stuff together when we need to. I really love to organize and budget and save and spend.

Who mows the lawn?Justin loves to mow the lawn. When we bought our house he discovered how much he likes to garden and see things grow and all that. I used to love mowing our Florida property with the riding mower. I tried about three years ago to get Justin to concede to me buying us one. I just couldn’t justify it for a third acre. Maybe next year when we have a full acre. Yes!yes! yes! Yes! Yes! If you haven’t ever used one, put it on your bucket list! I’m not a red neck.

Who cooks dinner?I have discovered the ease of freezer meals. I take time and make a bunch of meals in one day and freeze them. I love it. Justin cooks pancakes and hashbrowns for breakfast a lot and he likes to grill meat, pinapple, and veggies.

Who drives when you are together?Justin when we are in a hurry. He is a get there and on with your day type. I love to go on rides. I love to go a different way home from the store when I have time.

Who is more stubborn?Depends… although we are both pretty easy going, I’m not sure stubborn is a way to describe either of us. No comments from my family.

Who is the first to admit when they’re wrong?We are pretty good at communicating. I love that.

Whose parents do you see the most?Right now, we see Justin’s parents more. Justin’s parents live for vacations. So they stay at our house a lot in route to somewhere else.

Who kissed who first?Justin kissed me. Who proposed?Justin…..all three times.

Who is more sensitive?I like that Justin is sensitive.

Who has more friends?I have a lot of younger friends….Porters age and such.
He has a lot of friends, everywhere we go he knows someone.

Who has more siblings?Me. I’m first of seven. Justin is first of four.

Who wears the pants in the family?I was just telling him yesterday how cute he looks in khakis.


~LisaLou~ said...

Ohh! I like that you are only 29...that makes me 27! Congratulations on getting accepted into Swiss Days again! That is so exciting! I love you guys! That was a fun Tag to read! You guys are awesome! Have a great day. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!
Love Ya, Lisa

Cindy said...

And that makes me 25! I feel much better now, thank you. This was one tag I have really enjoyed reading. Oh, and no comment on the stubborn thing! Can't wait to see you soon sis!