Sunday, December 16, 2007

This is Blake! He is 5 years old and will be turning 6 this January 7th. Blake is in kindergarten and loves to go to school. He likes his friends and loves soccer. He plays sports. As we sit hit here writing this blog, Blake reminds me over and over again that he loves his birthday. Could be a hint...
He also loves, loves, loves to "beat-up" his dad.
He is a good babysitter for his baby brother, Brody.
Blake is missing his two bottom front teath.
Favorite Food: Chicken nuggets (yesterday it was toast).
Favorite Color: Christmas colors, Red and Green. (yesterday and for the past year or two it has been blue).
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Favorite Game: Spiderman SORRY
What do you what to be when you grow up? A 10th grade teacher.... hmmm (Opps, now he says a 7th grade teacher would be better.)
The girls in his class love Blake. Could be interesting later in life.

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